RezKids Weekly: May 18 – May 24

Sunday Morning


This Sunday is our Preschool Celebration Sunday. Join us to worship with your child and connect with your child’s shepherd right after the service in the RezKids rooms.

Peter Freed From Prison
Acts 12:1-19

Ponder Point: God Listens to Our Prayers

Jesus’ disciples were busy telling everyone the Good News. King Herod was not happy seeing so many people choosing to follow Jesus. So the wicked king ordered his soldiers to capture Peter and put him in prison. Heavy chains and 16 guards were used to ensure Peter would not escape. But the people were praying. The Lord God heard their prayers and sent an angel to free Peter from prison.

Preschool Parent Pre-Teach Resource – March 2 – March 23


Sheryl & Vu Nuygen, who are preparing to serve in Brazil as missionaries, will tell the Story of Jesus’ Great Commission this week.

Promise Verse: Matthew 28:19-20
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Application Questions:
What does it mean to ‘make disciples’?
How can we tell others about Jesus in our schools? At home? To our neighbors?
Can we help make disciples of all nations now? How?

RezKids Elementary Promise Card – May 18

RezKids MidWeek Memory Verse Charge – March 19

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