Jumpstart your creativity on Wednesday, January 11, 6:30-8:00 or 8:30pm.

Try a workshop in visual arts, devotional poetry writing, or worship song writing.
RSVP below.

Devotional Poetry Writing

Discover how to enrich your devotional life by writing poetry. You’ll learn new tools and practices for engaging with Scripture by penning your own poetry. This workshop will include hands-on writing time, as well as the opportunity for small group sharing and mutual encouragement. Minimum age: high school. This workshop concludes at 8:30pm.

Facilitator: Andrew S. Backer enjoys writing poetry devotionally and finds it a place to witness the beauty of the Lord and respond in worship. He is currently pursuing a Masters in Higher Education and Student Development at Wheaton College.

Assistant Facilitator: Helen Wieger enjoys creative writing and has been nurturing a group of creatives for the last several years. She leans toward penning poetry and creative prose. 

Visual Arts

Enjoy experimenting on paper with the Lord. We’ll provide brushes, paints, and materials to spark your imagination and make your fingers itch. Stations will include mindful drawing, collage creation, and free expression. In mindful drawing you’ll learn how to pay attention to details as you create. Make a collage by combining colorful construction paper, printed words, cutouts of pictures, and more. Or, at the free expression station, dive into anything you feel led to explore. Minimum age: first grade; all elementary age kids must be accompanied by an adult. This workshop concludes at 8pm.
Facilitators: Janice Skivington Wood and Emily Verdoorn.

Janice Skivington Wood is a painter, illustrator, and former art teacher. She has collaborated with various artists to develop liturgical art that adorns Resurrection, including the large Jesus icon, the great doors, paintings depicting Old Testament scenes in the narthex, and more.
Emily Verdoorn uses anything from pen and pencil to teabags, inks, thread, or homemade dyes to explore the world of her everyday life. Her work often begins like a quiet conversation with places, spaces and the natural world.

Worship Song-Writing

Explore song-writing for worship as we talk about what makes a song work for a congregational setting or even for a more fluid offertory and response song. We will also have a chance to break into partners or groups to practice writing and exploring in a collaborative, safe, encouraging and creative environment.  If you have an instrument, please feel to bring it. Minimum age: high school. This workshop concludes at 8:30pm.
Facilitator: Ruth Mudge is a cello instructor and the assistant principal cellist of the Elmhurst Symphony Orchestra. She enjoys collaborating with other Rez musicians, and delights in arranging music, writing original songs, and teaching classes on movie soundtracks.

Visual artists and poets at Resurrection are invited to contribute to the new RezArts Gallery, a wall dedicated to rotating exhibits of original work.

The Space
The RezArts Gallery is located on the West wall in RezCafe, spanning 14 feet high and 40 feet long. On Sunday mornings, RezCafe is packed between services with churchgoers socializing over hot coffee and tea. Throughout the week, middle and high school students fellowship here, children’s classes gather, and others meet in the window-lined space. This bustling area will be enhanced by rotating exhibits by Rez artists on the Gallery wall.

The dimensions of our Gallery limit our ability to display dozens of pieces. Artwork may be displayed in a total of six to eight columns of two rows each, depending on the size of pieces in each exhibit. 

Gallery Vision

To encourage, teach, and inform the Church through original artwork. 

To provide a space for artists at Rez to communicate pieces that lead our congregation and visitors to worship and contemplate.

To provide talks in the future with visiting artists that offer opportunities for engagement and discussion with our congregation and others about art and worldview. 

Gallery Goals

Offer rotating exhibits year-round with opportunities for submission from artists within the church.

Exhibit themes focus largely on the liturgical season: Advent/Epiphany, Easter, Ordinary Time. 

Supplement the church-wide RezArts Festival (Nov-Jan) to encourage year-round creative expression within the congregation.

An Experimental Process

The RezArts Gallery is in an experimental phase and is a learning process for those overseeing curation and display. Due to our first-time use of the RezCafe wall with new hanging hardware, we do not yet know what fits and works well.  Acceptance of a submission will be based on its reflection of the theme, plus multiple factors, including the limited space, how each piece coordinates with other art submissions, and its ability to be displayed with the new wall hardware. Artists should be aware that acceptance or non-acceptance of submissions for exhibit depends on these various factors, and not particular standards of artistic excellence for an individual piece.

We are now inviting submissions of original artwork and poetry for the first Pentecost exhibit. 

Invitation to Submit for Pentecost Fire Theme

During the season of Pentecost (May – November 2024), the RezArts Gallery will feature a series of three themes found in the account of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost: fire, water, and wind (Acts 2). Pieces submitted for each theme will be displayed for approximately two months.

Candles, charcoal grills, bonfires. The glowing, dancing, crackling flames draw us near, and we bask in warmth and light. But not all fire is inviting. Some fires we treat with great caution: controlled burns, potters’ kilns, welding torches. They are dangerous, yet these fires bring needed transformation: seeds are released and ground cleared; pottery hardens and glazes set; metal is joined to metal. Other fire – house fires, wildfires – we experience as devastating and destructive. 

Scripture is full of references to fire: burnt offerings, incense, fiery judgment. God often reveals himself through fire. He spoke to Moses through a burning bush and led his people through the wilderness as a pillar of fire. On Pentecost, his Spirit descended on his disciples as flames.

This Pentecost, we invite artists and writers at Resurrection to engage with the theme of fire in creation, Scripture, and the traditions of the Church. We welcome both individual and collaborative works. The artistic process is often one of engaging questions, mysteries, and liminal space. We invite you to note your wonder, awe, questions, and desires as you explore one or two of the following:

  • Creation
    Observe a fire. You could light a candle, sit by a campfire, or watch a video of a crackling fireplace or wildfire. As you observe the fire, notice all your senses. What do you hear? What do you see? Smell? Feel? What does it remind you of? What words would you use to describe it?
  • Scripture
    Explore how the Bible portrays fire. You might start with Exodus 3:2 and 13:21-22, Matthew 3:10-12, and Acts 2:3. How do these passages connect with your experience of fire? How do they connect with your experience of God?

    (If you want to dig deeper, you can find hundreds of references to fire in the Scripture! You could use a concordance or do word searches for “fire,” “burn,” “smoke,” and other fire-related words in a resource such as STEPBible.)
  • Church Tradition
    Reflect on a way the Church incorporates fire in worship, for example, through lighting the Paschal candle or burning palm branches for Ash Wednesday. What do you find beautiful or puzzling about these practices?

Your artwork need not incorporate all, or any, of these prompts! Nor does it need to provide a literal representation of fire. You might consider incorporating ash in a painting, using fire-like colors, or writing with a rhythm that evokes roaring fire. As Aristotle said, “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”

Feel free to explore rather than focus on finding answers and portraying them. We pray you enjoy the process of co-creating with the Master Artist and Creator.

The Pentecost Fire Exhibit will be displayed on the RezArts Gallery wall roughly from Pentecost Sunday, May 19, through Sunday, July 21.

Current Exhibit

Enjoy the current Holy Week Exhibit on the RezArts Gallery Wall, featuring commissioned artwork based on the Easter Vigil readings and poetry with a Holy Week theme.

Future exhibits will include Ordinary Time, Advent, and the RezArts Festival (a church-wide celebration of the arts; theme to be announced in mid-November).

We are now inviting submissions of original artwork for the upcoming Advent Exhibit. Future exhibits will include the annual RezArts Festival (a church-wide celebration of the arts; this year’s theme to be announced in mid-November), Holy Week, and Ordinary Time.

Advent Exhibit 

Advent, meaning “coming,” marks the beginning of a new church year and centers around waiting. The Church today observes Advent as a four-week period to prepare for our celebration of the Incarnation at Christmas.  You will notice during the four Sundays of Advent that the colors on the altar, banners, and clergy vestments change to purple. Purple is the liturgical color used in seasons of preparation. It symbolizes both royalty (the birth of the King) and contrition. 

As Jesus’ birth is in the past, today we are not waiting for his first coming, but for his second coming. In this way, we join historical Israel in her longing for the Messiah to come and set everything right, to establish his kingdom forever. The Israelites received hopeful promises that a savior would come, a new kingdom would be established—and yet for many, many years they waited. The cries of the prophets ring in our ears, “Prepare the way of the Lord!” 

Christ has come and yet we walk in darkness waiting for the coming of Jesus in glory. Advent gives the church an opportunity to anticipate the coming of Jesus as our true fulfillment and our longing for his coming again.

Feel free to reflect on these questions to help fuel your creativity and think more deeply about the theme:

  • What does it look like to carry both the joy of Christ’s coming with the sobering awareness of your need for his redemption?  
  • How are you hoping Christ enters into your life this Advent? 
  • What does it look like to wait actively for the return of Christ and redemption of our world?


  • Submissions must be original pieces created by the artist/writer within the last five years. Submissions to the Pentecost Fire Exhibit must have been created since April 2019.
  • Submissions may be abstract and do not need to be literal representations of the theme.
  • Poems must be formatted to fit on a single 8.5×11 page with 12 type, allowing 1 inch margins all around.
  • The creator must include his or her name, age (if under 18), title of work, and a short description of 150 words or less about your creative process, how it reflects the theme, and what you hope it conveys. You may include a website and/or social media handle(s) for  your artwork.
  • Creators must be members or regular attendees of Resurrection within the last three months, at minimum.
  • Each person or group may only submit one entry per exhibit. Group submissions are welcome if all individuals are regular attendees or members.  An individual may submit one solo entry and participate in one group entry.
  • Pieces that include nudity, profanity, graphic violence or otherwise inappropriate content for young children or a family audience will not be considered. 
  • We prefer visual artwork that does not depict a human representation of God the Father. 
  • Creators agree to allow the Resurrection to publish digital files of all submissions both online and/or in print, on its website and/or social media channels, indefinitely with appropriate credit.
  • Creators grant Resurrection non-exclusive rights to use their submissions in ministry, including but not limited to services, events, public displays,  or publications, sites, and programs, without further permission or payment involved, with appropriate credit to the artist(s).
  • While we will do our best to care for your submission(s), we cannot guarantee the preservation of your work in its original form. The RezArts Gallery space is a highly visible and trafficked area; please be aware that your work may be touched by passing children or accidentally bumped.

Submissions of original artwork and poetry to the Pentecost Fire Exhibit must be received online by midnight Central Time on Saturday, May 4, 2024, and brought to church between Sunday, May 5, and Sunday, May 12, before 1pm
Submission form coming soon.


Framing/Mounting: Pieces must be mounted with wire spanning the width of the back for hanging. Visual artwork must be created or mounted on a sturdy surface, such as canvas, wood, or metal. Visual artists who choose to frame their work, may consider protecting it with a sheet of acrylic, plexiglass, or glass within the frame. 

Poetry submissions may be framed.

Dimensions: The frame must be at least 8”x10”, although the artwork itself may be as small as 4”x4”. No piece larger than 2’x3′ will be accepted.

Weight: The maximum weight of any piece must not exceed 25 pounds.

How To Submit

  1. Poetry must be sent via an individual digital file to dawnjewell@churchrez.org by Friday, March 15. Poets should email both a PDF and Word file of their poetry to dawnjewell@churchrez.org
  2. If you frame or mount your submission, it must be delivered to Resurrection in person by Sunday, March 17, 12:30pm in order to be considered for the Holy Week Exhibit. Pieces should be left at the building until at least May 19, 12:30pm. You must mount and/or frame your submission for display before dropping off per the framing requirements above.
  3. Include 200 words or less explaining: a) a short paragraph about your work and creative process, b) a 1-2 sentence bio of yourself, and c)  (optional) your social media hand(s) and/or website where you share your creative work.  Questions? Email dawnjewell@churchrez.org

How To Submit

  1. Each work must be submitted online via an individual digital file. Visual artists should submit a photo(s) of their artwork in PDF, JPG or PNG files. Poets should submit both a PDF and Word file of their poetry.
  2. For submissions of actual photography, only one photo is needed. For any other form of visual art, you may include up to 4 photos of your piece. 
  3. Submissions of visual artwork must be delivered to Resurrection in person in order to be considered for the Pentecost Fire Exhibit. Pieces should be left at the building until May 19, 12:30pm. If we cannot fit your work on the Gallery wall, we will aim to display it online and notify you to pick up your physical piece sooner. You must mount and/or frame your submission for display before dropping off per the framing requirements above.
  4. Include a paragraph of 150 words or less explaining: a) your work, b) its size and medium, c) your creative process, d) how your entry reflects the theme in part or whole, and e) optionally your social media handle(s) and/or website. Questions? Email dawnjewell@churchrez.org or office@churchrez.org

Submission Form

Please complete one form for each submission.