ACNA Investigaton

This page is a hub for church updates, policies, practices, and more related to the Province’s ongoing investigation of our Diocese. You may find it helpful to read the updated Diocese FAQ here. Related news from the Diocese is posted here

Church Updates

Church Practices and Policies

Child & Youth Protection Policy

Our child and youth protection policy has been in place since 2006 and undergoes periodic review and upgrades. The current version was published in 2022 after a year-long period of significant research and review. The primary purpose of our policy is to promote the safety and well-being of children and youth by providing clear instructions about the operation of children and youth ministries.

Financial Assistance Policy

While we offer limited financial assistance to parishioners in need, our policy, both past and present, excludes aid for mortgage payments, educational loans, and legal fees (including bail bonds).

Pastoral Care Response Practice

Dean Steve is in dialogue with leaders in our Diocese and Province anytime he hears of pastoral situations that may affect our church in order to take appropriate action. It is not our practice to share the confidential details of individual pastoral discipline or care situations. 

Beliefs about Women’s Roles in Leadership and Ordination

Our staff includes both lay leaders and ordained leaders, and male and female pastors. “Lay leaders” are members of the church who lead a ministry, but who have not been ordained. “Pastors” are leaders (either lay or ordained) who oversee an area of pastoral ministry.

We wholeheartedly affirm women in ministry and encourage women to lead as pastors, teachers, small group leaders, worship leaders, global missionaries, vestry (board) members, junior and senior wardens (vestry leaders) and executive staff. We are part of a Diocese which ordains women into Holy Orders as deacons, but not as priests or bishops, in keeping with the scriptural teaching and historic tradition of the Church that only males can be admitted to the offices of presbyter and bishop (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9).

Beliefs about Marriage

Marriage is the lifelong, one-flesh union between one man and one woman, uniting them in self-sacrificial love, joy and faithfulness. It signifies the heavenly mystery of Jesus Christ the bridegroom’s union with the church, his bride (Ephesians 5:22-33).  Marriage is ordained by God for the procreation and spiritual nurture of children, for the support and sanctification of husband and wife, and the flourishing of family, church and society.


If you have concerns you would like to share, email our Pastoral Care Pastor at to set up a pastoral appointment. Reach out to our Vestry (church board) confidentially without going through church staff at

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